While we are lucky to have so many remaining photos from the 1920’s and beyond, the first known film footage of the house and its visitors doesn’t appear until around 1943, when Jim & Audrey filmed each other on some 8mm film skiing down the property. And shortly later, they brought an infant Terry Tweedt up to the cabin and documented the event.
Later on, technology advanced and Super-8 film, which had a slightly larger picture area, became the best way to capture movies. This technology was used up until the late 1980’s when Video 8 became the primary medium of documentation of events at the home.

And with the transition to video, the price per foot became much cheaper, so much more footage was shot. It was during this time that Brian Tweedt first got a hold of his parents camera and shot a great deal of sledding footage at the mountain home. So the late 80’s and early 90’s are well documented. It was also during this time that “Busted’ Buns Sled Rides” was born, as well at the fabled “Bigfoot” skits were videotaped.
And the video continued to improve, with High Definition and 4K video becoming the norm, now being shot by iPhones and GoPro’s. And computers allowed the video to be edited much easier than splicing film, so the videos could be trimmed and music added for certain “highlights” videos which were not possible a hundred years earlier.
We hope you enjoy this walk through the decades of filming, videotaping, and digitally recording at the Idyllwild home, presented in chronological order.
circa 1943
This is the earliest known film footage shot on the property.
Jim and Audrey Tweedt take turns filming each other ski down the front of the property around 1943. Then they load the car to depart for home.
In this film: James Tweedt, Audrey Tweedt
This film likely from the summer of 1946, shows Terry Tweedt playing in the mountains with Lady May Tweedt. You can then see George Tweedt, followed by James & Audrey Tweedt and a few unidentified friends. The film then switches to color. James holds up Terry and gives a kiss to Audrey. Then Terry plays near the original house on the property.
In this film: George E. Tweedt, Lady May Tweedt, James Tweedt, Audrey Tweedt, Terry Tweedt, plus unidentified.
circa 1947
A young Terry Tweedt swings with his mother Audrey Tweedt and her sister-in-law, Leona Dodd. He is then pushed on the swings by his uncle, Irwin “Budd” Dodd. It’s unclear exactly where they are in Idyllwild, probably in town, as the ground seems to be pretty level.
Then, Terry throws a ball to (who appears to be) George Tweedt on the property.
In this film: George Tweedt, Audrey Tweedt, Irwin “Budd” Dodd, Leona Dodd, Terry Tweedt,.
circa 1948
In this slightly out of focus skiing footage, neighbors from Bell, CA, Edna and Earl Cregger and then Audrey and James Tweedt ski down the property.
In this film: Edna Cregger, Earl Cregger, Audrey Tweedt, James Tweedt.
circa 1949
Likely shot in the winter of 1949 or early 1950, we see a young Ken Tweedt on oversized skis for the first time at Idyllwild. Audrey Tweedt and Terry Tweedt ski down the front of the property. Later, Audrey holds Ken while skiing. Meanwhile, Audrey’s sister, Dorothy (Dodd) Crampton rides a shovel down.
In this film: Audrey Tweedt, Dorothy (Dodd) Crampton, Terry Tweedt, Ken Tweedt.
circa 1950
In this highly degraded film, Terry and Ken Tweedt take a ride on a mule.
In this film: James Tweedt, Audrey Tweedt, Terry Tweedt, Ken Tweedt.
circa 1951
Though this is a very shot clip, you can see Kenny walking up and down the stairs to the front porch. This porch would later be enclosed below, forming a small basement. You can also see the neighbor’s cabin the background, which still stands today.
In this film: Lady May Tweedt, Terry Tweedt, Ken Tweedt.
Circa 1951-52
Skiing on the property in the fall/winter of ’51 or early ’52.
In this film: Jim & Audrey’s neighbor’s from Orange Avenue in Bell, CA, ski down the property. Art Parkins, wife Rae Parkins, and son “Yankee” Parkins.
circa 1952
Likely filmed in the summer of 1952, the film begins with riding horses up to the house. Lady May holds Linda Tweedt, her first appearance in the Idyllwild films. The clip continues to show the three Tweedt kids taking an outdoor bath in metal wash tubs.
In this film: George Tweedt, Lady May Tweedt, James Tweedt, Audrey Tweedt, Terry Tweedt, Ken Tweedt, Linda Tweedt.
circa 1953
I cannot confirm this is Idyllwild, but I believe this is Audrey and Terry (or possibly Ken) skiing down the old ski hill on Marion View Drive.
In this film: Audrey Tweedt, Terry Tweedt
circa 1955
Circa 1955, sledding down the front of the property. (Possibly) Earl Cregger holds the toboggan so it doesn’t go too fast as Linda Tweedt and others ride down the driveway in the snow.
In this film: (Possibly) Earl Cregger, (Possibly) Edna Cregger, Terry Tweedt, Ken Tweedt, Linda Tweedt, other unidentified kids.
circa 1969
This film, probably from 1969 or 1970, shows Erik trying on some old wood skis. This is Erik’s first appearance in Idyllwild on film. Then there is some footage of a squirrel and a blue jay. You can certainly skip that if you’d like, but they look they same then as they do now!
In this film: James Tweedt, Erik Tweedt, plus a featured Squirrel and Blue Jay
This film from 1975 appears to show Carol Tweedt and some friends sledding on the next-door neighbor’s property near what is now known as the “Side Lot Sledding” area.
In this film: Carol Tweedt, two unidentified friends.
In some underexposed footage, Heidi Tweedt is learning to walk inside ELJAMAR, then crawls around on the floor. It looks like Michael Stocke and Brian Tweedt are playing. Then at 1:55 in the clip, Brian Tweedt goes saucer sledding on what will be called “Murder They Rode,” while Carol Tweedt evens up the pine needles.
In this film: Brian Tweedt, Heidi Tweedt, Michael Stocke
This super-8 film starts with Brian Tweedt and Matt Hartloff tubing down the front steps of the cabin. We then move to behind the cabin on “Murder They Rode” and then on the classic “Big Thunder” with Brian, Heidi, Matt, Charlie Baggs and Carol (Baggs) Tweedt riding the inter tube. There are quite a few near misses. Heidi eats some snow. The sledding continues down the driveway with more action. Then there are a few clips back on the inter tube that appear to be filmed at the “old ski hill” just a bit down Marion View Drive.
In this film: Charlie Baggs, Hazel Baggs, Terry Tweedt, Carol Tweedt, Brian Tweedt, Heidi Tweedt, Matt Hartloff
November 1988
This is the first “video” that was shot at the house during the Thanksgiving weekend in 1988. The Video 8 camera was purchased by Terry & Carol as an early Christmas present, and Brian & Heidi soon took it over and shot way too much footage.
The video opens with Carol describing how cold it is in EL JAMAR while Terry gets the fire going and Heidi reads some old books. A bit later, Erik Tweedt and Sandy (Lathrop) Tweedt arrive. Following this is a lengthy tour of BBSR. And then Brian & Heidi get to some sledding.
In this video: James Tweedt, Audrey Tweedt, Terry Tweedt, Carol Tweedt, Erik Tweedt, Sandy (Lathrop) Tweedt, Brian Tweedt, Heidi Tweedt
January 1989
This trip with Ron Wallace and Melinda Maddison really started off the run of good sledding videos. Brian & Ron, a friend Brian met in 6th grade, took the camera and started making it interesting with sledding with the camera and the first BigFoot video.
In this video: Terry Tweedt, Carol Tweedt, Brian Tweedt, Ron Wallace, Heidi Tweedt, Melinda Maddison, BigFoot 1
February 1989
This trip with Eric Bowman in February 1989 solidified the formula of the family Idyllwild sledding video. Basically, it has lots of sledding, some silly commentary, as well as a BigFoot episode. In my mind, this may be the classic BBSR sledding video.
This video contains some classic lines that were often quoted by those who have seen this video. For some reason, the catch-phrases “mmm, tasty,” “that was… special,” and mostly “I like it” were in heavy rotation. And there is the classic line from Eric, “And now we’re going to Miss Heidi Tweedt, and “Heidi’s Run”… Of America! Go!” Not sure why we find this so funny, but we do.
This video also contains maybe the most epic crash ever recorded. At about 29:50 in the video, Brian slams right into the small tree that divides Super Colosis / Busted’ Breaks. He is then squarely hit, at full speed, by Eric Bowman. This is a must-see.
Brian’s 13th Birthday is also celebrated with a “snake cake,” and Terry and Carol even go for a sled. A light snow began to fall on the 2nd day of the trip, and then more snow sledding happens.
In this video: Terry Tweedt, Carol Tweedt, Brian Tweedt, Eric Bowman, Heidi Tweedt, BigFoot 2 & BigFoot 3
May 1989
This trip in May of 1989 starts out with Eric putting on some dedorant, and then shows footage of the ruins of the bulldozer that went to repair the neighbor’s house, causing a great deal of damage. But as it later turns out, this new path opened up a number of new sledding runs, including The Ultimate, The Weaver, Thrill Hill and Five Foot Fallout. The video continues with BigFoot 4 (at 4:22), followed by many rounds of sledding.
Later, (around 17:35) Whitney and Lindsay Gibson, (whose parents Pat and Clyde Gibson once lived in Orange County near Terry and Carol Tweedt, but had moved to Idyllwild), join in on in the action. Whitney debuts her “Don’t Worry Be Happy” shirts which randomly becomes a thing in these videos. I guess she didn’t mind getting it dirty. And this was Lindsay’s first time pine-needle sledding (18:03). And even more exciting than that, Whitney and Lindsay (along with the other kids) also star in possibly the most entertaining (and largest cast) of any BigFoot video yet, BigFoot 5.
In this video: Eric Bowman, Whitney Gibson, Heidi Tweedt, Melinda Maddison, Lindsay Gibson, BigFoot 4 & BigFoot 5
June/July 1989
In this video from June 30 through early July 1989, Heidi Tweedt and Melinda Maddison start off with a parody of “Great Balls of Fire.” There is then a some video of Brian doing a skit with some fruit that the girls think is funny. (The fruit goes “down the hill” because the floor is unlevel in the house – part of the reason Terry & Carol decided to build a new home). Then it’s some trick domino videos, followed by hiking the Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail (originally known as the Humber Park Trail). There is short BigFoot video (#6) and then more hiking.
In this video: Terry Tweedt, Carol Tweedt, Brian Tweedt, Heidi Tweedt, Melinda Maddison, BigFoot 6
September 1989
This one starts out the kids in El JAMAR. Saucer sledding gets going around :58 with lots of dust in the pine needles, and lots of out of control runs, which makes for entertaining videos. And please note Brian’s pink fluorescent hat with flaps. At 2:40 is the famous “Crucifixion” sled run that is still painful to watch. After some shots of Mike’s wounds, BigFoot 7 appears at 4:41.
At some point during the sledding off-camera, Tiffany got pretty hurt (I think on “The Ultimate,” shaving off a bunch of skin on her left leg) and had to sit out the rest of the sledding. You can see her “after her fatal wound” at 12:18. The sledding then continues without Tiffany, with Mike taking over the camera for a bit as Brian & Heidi try to collide. These are some pretty entertaining runs.
Notable lines include : “…and this, and this, and this, AND THIS!” / “Fudge!” / “Weak! Weak! Weak! Ha,ha, not so weak.” / “Edit it out!” / “Good job, eh!” / “…Not a very good dismount, though.” / “It’s the brother/sister combo!” / “See ‘ya!” / “The Brother biffs it big time.”
In this video: Brian Tweedt, Mike Anthony, Heidi Tweedt, Tiffany Thompson, BigFoot 7
November 1989
Thanksgiving 1989. The video starts with some evening sledding with Brian & Heidi Tweedt. Then a silly “hi” montage thing begins and turns into a sketch about Carol sneaking Thanksgiving leftovers. Let’s just say there’s some terrible/hilarious(?) acting.
The next day, Nov 25, after a “go sled?” montage of the family that starts at 3:42, we get to some sledding at 4:04 with Whitney & Lindsay Gibson. There are some sweet Airborne I runs at 6:30. Then lots more sledding. The video ends with some scenic shots driving home, and wraps up with Heidi, who is sad she is back home.
Note: Audio was intentionally muted at the beginning due to music licensing copyright issues (It was originally “Fun Zone” by Weird Al with the camera looking up and Heidi sledding over Airborne I)
In this video: Terry Tweedt, Carol Tweedt, Brian Tweedt, Heidi Tweedt, Whitney Gibson, Lindsay Gibson
January 1990
January 1990. Snow & Needles. A new decade.
In this video: Brian Tweedt, Heidi Tweedt, Whitney Gibson, Lindsay Gibson, BigFoot 8
July 1990
After some shots of lunchtime inside the cabin, Brian & Heidi Tweedt hit the hill. Then On July 21, Whitney Gibson introduces her friend, Susie Foster, to sledding at 4:08. Susie seems to enjoy it as she screams quite a bit. Like, a lot. Like, even when she’s not going that fast.
We are also privileged to again have Whitney wearing her “Don’t Worry Be Happy” t-shirt and Brian wearing his florescent pink hat. Excellent wardrobe choices, people.
After they leave, Brian & Heidi shoot a bit more sledding and talk about how hot it is. Terry hangs a bird feeder.
In this video: Terry Tweedt, Carol Tweedt, Brian Tweedt, Whitney Gibson, Susie Foster, Heidi Tweedt, Lindsay Gibson
September 1990
Whitney & Lindsay come over for a little silly filming in El JAMAR and then some sledding, with Whitney operating the camera at the end.
In this video: Brian Tweedt, Whitney Gibson, Heidi Tweedt, Lindsay Gibson
November 1990
The pink hat just won’t go away. For this trip, we get right to the sledding with Whitney and Lindsay Gibson. After they leave, Brian & Heidi take over at 4:22 for some solo runs.
Note: Audio near the beginning is muted do to Brian’s experiment with playing Your Racist Friend by They Might Be Giants over his headphones into the camera mic as he attempted to splice it together. We muted it for copyright reasons.
In this video: Brian Tweedt, Whitney Gibson, Heidi Tweedt, Lindsay Gibson
November 1990
Another trip in November 1990, this time with Scott Mitchell and a friend who drove up for the day. Scott brings some new energy and fresh blood to the sledding videos… Including a fake hand getting chopped off.
Brian tires Airborne I at 1:40, once successfully, once, not so much. Then they all shoot more saucer and regular sledding all over the hill. After they leave, Whitney and Lindsay Gibson join in at 4:00 into the video. This is one of the few videos where you can see the sled rope tows set up, and you can see Lindsay using it here. Carol even does one run at 4:25.
This also contains BigFoot 9, aka the one where Lindsay cut open her chin. Sorry Lindsay.
In this video: Carol Tweedt, Brian Tweedt, Scott Mitchell, Scott’s friend Eric, Whitney Gibson, Heidi Tweedt, Lindsay Gibson
February 1991
In this short sledding video, Brian Tweedt & Mike Anthony wear paintball masks after playing paintball on the property. They actually work pretty well for sledding, keeping the dust and needles away from your face. Whitney and her camera-shy friend, Elizabeth, join in on the action.
In this video: Brian Tweedt, Mike Anthony, Whitney Gibson, Whitney’s friend Elizabeth
March 1991
With a late winter storm, Brian, Heidi, Whitney, and Lindsay take to the front of the property and build some jumps in the driveway to sled down.
In this video: Brian Tweedt, Heidi Tweedt, Whitney Gibson, Lindsay Gibson
December 2021
Heading up the Hill just after Christmas and before New Year’s, the family timed it right for about a foot of snow to fall to allow for some great sledding.
The first video is a sledding highlights video shot over two days was created to encapsulate the madness. The second video is the complete video — no music or fancy editing — to give a more accurate picture of the two days of sledding — and more in line with the style of the original sledding videos from the 80’s and 90’s.
In these videos: Brian Tweedt, Kim Tweedt, Heidi Tweedt, Savannah Tweedt, Owen Tweedt, Pauly Vaala